Friday, April 29, 2005

Another example of the dipshits out there

I'll keep this short.
I am buying a house from some morons. Now, I didn't know that they were morons until the process started. A lot has transpired over the course of the last few months but nothing takes the cake like the lastest development. I am supposed to close on Monday, May 2nd. The survey has just come in so my attorney called me to tell me that about a third of the driveway of the house that I am about to buy is on the neighbors property. These idiots that I am buying the house from are in for a rude awakening tomorrow when they get the news from their attorney. They are going to have to do some SERIOUS footwork to get this in line by Monday.
(more on this later. i'll bet you can't wait to find out how this turns out, 'cause i can't. they must be related to the president and his 'coal is the future' policy.)

Thursday, April 28, 2005

everyday some moron

If I had a dime for every moron that I encounter driving to and from work I would be rich.

The state and mentality of US drivers is a direct reflection of the state of mind of the average joe in America. They are so self absorded that they have no idea what is going on around them. They don't start thinking about a situation until it is upon them. They have no foresight. They drive like assholes and then when someone looks at them crosseyed because they SUCK at driving they act like they didn't do anything wrong.

Most US drivers either don't give a fuck about the drivers behind them, are just plain stupid or both. They sit in the left or fast lane and trickle down the road while the drivers behind them boil over about what a jerkoff the guy in front of them is. Just pull the fuck over you slow bastards! What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you drive like a slug in the left lane because you like the power or are you just a dipshit? Take a page out of the German handbook and stay to the right if you are driving the same speed as everyone else to your right. Fuck, it's not that hard to figure out.